So we haven't had the best year this year in regards to festival weather. We already experienced the worlds biggest muddy slip and slide at Download 2019, but oh boy we were about to experience something a whole lot different at Bloodstock 2019. You know the scene in Wizard of OZ where Dorothy gets thrown about in a tornado? Yeah, imagine that but with a load of moshers instead.
We were warned beforehand that there would be extremely strong winds so we tried to prepare as much as we could. But nothing could prepare us for having to literally hold the gazebo legs down to stop it blowing away. It was blustery, it was windy, it was rainy. At one point we had to temporarily close up shop! The wind was that strong it was knocking stock all over the floor. We feared for our gazebos. But did we complain? Yes, like constantly every day. Did we still love every minute of it? Hell yeah!

Don't be fooled by the outfits, this was the first day when the weather was still okay and the ground still had grass on it!

The literal calm before the storm.

Special thanks to Shane's bottom for desecrating our beloved Planchette. (We all look so awfully pleased about it)
Despite having a full kitchen (okay we have a gazebo with a table, kettle, toaster and one hob in it, but it's close enough!). We still managed to survive purely off of pot noodles, toast and beer for an entire week. Although the weather hasn't treated us too kindly this year we still love every minute of our festival runs and we wouldn't change them for the world. Taking our gothic jewellery brand around the country and meeting you guys makes it all so worth it.
Wanna see what we got up to during our time at Bloodstock 2019?! Checkout the footage we caught during our time there!
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Whenever we're trading away we always make sure to update our Instagram stories with behind the scenes pictures and clips, so don't forget to follow us to keep up to date with our mischief!
Check out our YouTube channel for more festival madness!
In the meantime we're always on the look out for new events we can trade at, have an event in mind? Email us at
Love, Hannah xo