When did you start Mysticum Luna?
My Small Business Mysticum Luna started from my University bedroom almost 6 years ago! Just like most students, I was knee deep in my overdraft with no light at the end of the tunnel. My three years of studying Music Journalism had so far, got me no where and my call centre job was killing my passion. The first thing I did was watch Youtube videos on my night shifts along the lines of ‘making a choker’, ‘velvet choker making’, ‘easy jewellery techniques’ – at this point I had no jewellery experience whatsoever, I just struggled to find the designs I liked for sale anywhere. A couple of years down the line I levelled up my skills and attended an evening class in Silversmithing at Sheffield college and i’ve never looked back.
What are your top tips for people wanting to start their own business?
First and most importantly, don’t let anyone’s opinion (especially friends and family) put you off. The financial side of starting up is always a worry but you’ll find a way, everyone does! If you’re eligible, the Princes’ Trust course was a huge help in teaching me how to manage my accounts and general guidance in setting up. When your head feels foggy and your love for what you do is dwindling – take a deep breath, step back and break things down into smaller, bite size chunks. Nothing is impossible and it’s all on you so you’ll make it work one way or another.
Will the COVID-19 festival season disruption have an impact on business?
COVID has been a difficult situation for many reasons but to put it simply yes. I’m fully gutted not to be attending this year but it’s allowed for a lot of time to work on new releases and plan things in a way so that we can come back bigger and better next year!
Is there anything your customers can do to help your business in these weird times?
As simple as it may sound, share the shit out of us! It takes two seconds and it’s free! We were very lucky to be able to continue doing what we love through lockdown, just on a smaller basis. We have everything crossed that the Christmas period will help keep us going. Many people are now learning and accepting the importance of shopping small businesses.
Where do you get your inspiration from for your designs?
Most designs are basically just things I like! Either that, or there’s been an outcry from our customers. The Green Witch Collection had a lot of outsider influence, from friends and customers. The outcry for a nature inspired collection was REAL, but wasn’t a concept I could see myself wearing. Now it’s here the Beetle Ring doesn’t leave my finger.
How long did it take to grow a business this big?
That’s quite a difficult question to answer. Back when Mysticum Luna was born in 14/15, the internet was really different. Instagram wasn’t ruled by a lousy algorithm and it was totally fine to follow hundreds of people every day without being penalised. Our growth has slowed over the past year or so but we’ve found that in person events are really beneficial for us. (Obviously not right now – thanks COVID).
How does it feel knowing you inspire loads of us everyday with your work?
Absolutely mind blowing. I’ll always appreciate every comment and message we receive, and i’ll always stay humble. I never had a set career path. Music Journalism was a total stab in the dark and from there I had no idea where I was heading. Luckily Mysticum Luna took off at the right time for me to turn it into a career. I hope to continue inspiring and one day have something interesting I can teach people about being a girl boss.
What’s your favourite piece you sell / have sold?
The Crypt Ring will always hold a special place in my heart. This is down to the fact that it was the first ring that turned out TOTALLY PERFECT (in my eyes). The manufacturing process can drag and sometimes we would settle for less than our vision, but not any more. We’ve become pickier for all the right reasons and won’t release something until we’re totally happy with it.
Where do you shop cuz you always look hot af!
This question was sent before I got pregnant and started to dress like a nan, but previously it was ASOS, Killstar, Disturbia, Collectif, Topshop.
What are your long term goals?
Long term, i’d like to grow the team so we have different people assigned to customer service, design, shipping etc. At the moment we all do a bit of everything so it would be nice to have a little more structure and ability to delegate the tasks.
What is your favourite part of the process when creating a new piece?
Seeing the final CAD designs. Oh my, it is SATISFYING. Sketches and Procreate files look okay but physically spinning a 3D design and looking at it from every angle is gold.
Where’s the best place to sell when starting out?
I started out on Big Cartel, it was simple and easy to use, plus it wasn’t a huge monthly outlay. Etsy is also a good shout but the fees can be quite high.
What’s your ride or die app for your business?
I would say Instragram, but it’s just not the same these days. Analytics is great for tracking traffic and behaviours of your customers but for cool stories and artwork Unfold or Featured are great apps! They’re great at making things look that little bit more professional and create more of an overall brand look on socials.
Favourite business related book?
Girl Boss fully inspired me when I was younger. I was bright, bushy tailed and ready to learn. To see someone create such an empire whilst in a bit of a shitty situation really changed my mindset. I signed up to the Girl Boss newsletter and found loads of their blog posts super handy!
I’m writing this during my last few days at work. My maternity officially starts next week and i’ll be knee deep in muslins with sick in my hair very soon. Maybe I’ll write another Q&A when i’m back as i’m sure life will be totally different by then and i’ll be some kind of majestic girl boss mum – wishful thinking I know. You can keep up to date by following my personal Instagram – @paige.mysticumluna
Paige x