March marks the enchanting arrival of Spring, a sacred time when nature awakens, and the cycle of life blooms. In tune with this magical season, we delve into the mystical realm of Tarot, looking into six bewitching cards and unraveling their profound meanings.
There are moments when our journey through life feels shrouded in uncertainty, leaving us adrift without a clear path to follow. It is during such times that Tarot cards, potent instruments of divination, can illuminate the shadows and unveil the ethereal guidance we seek. Through their mystical language, they beckon us to embark on a transformative voyage, revealing the hidden signposts that lead us towards our true purpose.
As we venture into the realm of Tarot, let us embrace the energies and symbolism of these cards, attuned to the cosmic rhythms of the universe. With each draw, a veil is lifted, offering glimpses of ancient wisdom and the sacred knowledge passed down through generations of witches and mystics.
So, as the blossoms unfurl and the earth awakens from its slumber, let us embrace the power of the Tarot, harnessing its mystical forces to find our rightful path and navigate the ever-changing tides of existence.
The Moon Tarot
The Moon
Tarot can symbolise that your imagination is getting the better of you, you are taking a path that you are unsure of. But the moons light can bring you clarity and understanding. Use your intuition to help guide you!
Reversed Moon Meaning
Darker/negative aspects of the moon may be present in your life. This could bring up feelings of confusion or unhappiness - unsure of the direction you should be taking. It can indicate that you are battling or recently overcoming anxiety or self-deception.
Keywords - Illusions, Intuition, Fear
The Star Tarot
This card provides hope, renewed power and strength - showing you how blessed you are by the Universe. It may not be directly obvious as this card carries on from the Tower card and the trauma it brings. The Star Tarot acts as a reminder that you are all you need for fulfilment. When this card is seen its a message to have faith the everything you need is coming your way.
Reversed Star Meaning
This can mean you feel the world has turned against you, the challenges that usually excite you are now daunting and impossible to overcome. It can show you have lost faith either within yourself or something that usually brings happiness and comfort.
Keywords - Hope, Rejuvenation, Insecurity
The Lovers Tarot
Representing harmony, attractiveness and perfection - the Lovers
Tarot gives each unity, confidence and strength to empower the other. The bond of the lovers is strong and indicates two are joined in Marriage or other intimate relationships. This card can also show a concept of choice between two things, this could be a dilemma where both things are opposing.
Reversed Lovers Meaning
Reversed can point to both internal and outer conflicts that you are struggling with. This can make daily life difficult and could be causing pressure within relationships. During this time you should think about personal values and make sure they align with what you desire from life.
Keywords - Union, Duality, One - sidedness

Don't fear this
card if it appears for you, this card is not to be taken literally. It signals a major phase in your life is ending to make way for a new one to begin. The past has to be placed behind you to focus on what's ahead.
Reversed Death Meaning
It is still about change, however you have been pushing against it. Stop resisting the change and let go.
Death Card does not have to a card of regret, trust its taking you in the right direction.
Keywords - New Beginnings, Change, Holding On
The Sun Tarot
The Sun
card means success, abundance, and radiance. Like the sun itself, it gives strength and vitality to all those that are lucky enough to feel its rays. There is much joy and happiness that is coming to you.
Reversed Sun Meaning
The Sun reversed indicates that you are being unrealistic. It might be a sign that you have an overly optimistic perception of certain situations. These are things that you need to take into account in order to ensure that you are on the right track.
Keywords - Success, Celebration, Negativity
The High Priestess
When the High Priestess shows up it can depict an archetype known as the divine feminine - the mysterious female that understands and holds the answers to the deep unknowns. She represents someone that is intuitive, and beginning to accept their spirituality.
Reversed High Priestess Meaning
This can mean you are struggling to listen to your intuition, this is a time for meditation and to step away from the rational approach. Stop ignoring that gut feeling!
Keywords - Intuition, Repressed feelings, Inner voice
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